!winner |
Congratulations, %s! You have won The Thing, see this link for details... |
!join |
Join us in Jackbox games! Type !play and go to https://mustardmine.com/channels/##CHANNEL##/private |
!play |
(Private message) We're over here: https://jackbox.tv/#ABCD |
!f2c |
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius |
!c2f |
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit |
!calc |
Calculate a simple numeric expression/formula |
!tickets |
Giveaways - show number of tickets you have (any user) |
!refund |
Giveaways - refund all your tickets (any user) |
!delcmd |
Commands - Delete a simple command |
!addcmd |
Commands - Create a simple command |
!hypetrain |
Show the status of a hype train in this channel, or the cooldown before the next can start |
!quote |
Quotes - View a chosen or random channel quote |
!delquote |
Quotes - Delete a channel quote |
!addquote |
Quotes - Add a channel quote |
!follower |
Check whether someone is following the channel |
!followage |
Check how long you've been following the channel |
!shoutout |
Shout out another streamer, providing a link and some info about them (alias !so) |
!uptime |
Show how long the channel has been online |