Nothing can be saved or changed on the !demo channel, but you can on your own channel.

"Mustard Mine" logo

Frequently Asked Questions

So what's with the name?

It's an Alice in Wonderland reference. When Alice and the Duchess were discussing all manner of things and their morals, they determined that mustard was a mineral - and one that was mined. And the moral of that became the motto of this bot: "The more [work] there is of mine, the less there is of yours".

Other names you'll see associated with this bot include StilleBot (the name of the bot's software), Rosuav (the name of the bot's author), Pike (the programming language the bot uses), and Chocolate Factory (the front end UI library used).

Is it really free?

Yep. At the moment, I have no monetization plans; if you want to donate, you're welcome to, but all features are available to everyone. In the future, I may offer some sort of paid cosmetic enhancements, but all core features should always remain free to use.

Can I at least give you credit?

Thanks, that would be awesome!! A bot command or Twitch panel linking to would help people to find me. You can use this image as the panel image if you so desire.

Your bot is speaking in my channel and I don't like it.

Sorry about that! You can remove the bot from your channel by going to your Master Control Panel; only the broadcaster can do this, and it requires confirmation.

Who makes this bot?

The bot is the creation of Rosuav, found under that name on Twitch, Discord, GitHub, and pretty much everywhere. Contact him with further questions.

The bot's source code is available to anyone who wishes to use it, learn from it, or borrow code from it.